Great Chopper

For those who don't like to chop onions, I will highly recommend this type of manual food chopper:

It can be used for chopping garlics and other vegetables.

Privacy Policy of the App

To help us improve the app, we may collect data using Google Analytics. Google Analytics collects data about how often the app is used, how many times users click certain buttons of interests. These data are collected via internet and are anonymised. Anonymised means that no one will know from whom the data is collected. We will not collect any personal data from you. You can find the general privacy policy of Google Analytics here.

My Special Recipes App

My Special Recipes is an Android app that I am developing for people who find memorising steps of cooking difficult.

More promotion codes available

There are now 200 promotion codes available. Please email me to request a code. To redeem a code, go to Google Play and click the top left to open the following menu:

To Begin

Since the app is designed for the people who have disabilities to use under supervision, after you have installed the app, a dialog will appear when you use it for the first time:

Main Screen

This is the first screen that you will see when you open the app:

Kitchen Safety and useful gadgets

My friend Monica has written something about kitchen safety and useful gadgets. Click here for the document.

Choose a recipe

After you have pressed the 'Choose a Recipe' button on the main screen, you will come to this screen:

Ingredient List Page


This shows you a checklist of the ingredients. It also has the following functions:
1. adjust the amount of ingredients if you want to change the number of portions
2. save the recipe and a shopping list if you do not have all the ingredients

Rice Cooker

Rice is increasingly popular in the West now. It is easy to cook and is a good compliment to a lot of dishes.

Features of My Special Recipes

To make it easy for people with disabilities to use the app to cook, there are pictures accompany the text and there are speaker button where the users can choose to listen to what the text says.


The app will not be possible without the support of the Crowter family. After I have formed the idea, my previous supervisor in the University of Birmingham, Prof. Alan Wing, encouraged me to enter the Inclusive Technology Prize. I also asked Liz Crowter, whose daughter Heidi has Down Syndrome, if Heidi would like to get involved. Liz told me that Heidi loves cooking and her sister Suzie has been helping her. She already has a folder with a number of recipes printed in large fonts. We managed to become the semi-finalist of the prize. Suzie has been helping me to take pictures of the recipes and test it out with other people. Heidi has been helping with the testing and Liz has been a great help in promoting the app. I also need to thank my ex-colleague and friend Jo Howe, who is a true inspiration, for her advice and her time in testing it out.

Tool List Page

This page shows all the tools and utensils you need for the recipe. Similar to the ingredient list, you can check the tools/utensils as you get all the things ready. At the bottom of the page, there are two buttons.

My Special Recipes Alpha Release

My Special Recipes alpha release is available now. If you would like to become a tester and want to test it for free, please email me and I can send you a promotion code. I will be posting how to use the app and the app details in a few days.

Cooking Steps Page

The cooking steps page shows the steps of the recipe. After you've pressed continue from the Tools/Utensils page, you will come to this page and the opening screen of the page is similar to this:

Saved Recipes

If you press the 'Saved Recipes' button from the main screen, the Saved Recipes list will appear:

Shopping Lists

If you have a shopping list and want to shop for the item in the shopping list, press the 'Shopping Lists' button on the main screen, then you will come to the shopping lists page: